Saturday 18 August 2007

Soccer game..180807

finally trying out my 1st BLOG!

went for my 1st soccer game today, at balestier west college(somewhere near Boon Keng MRT)
rained so heavily this morning..OMG!!! MUDDY FIELD!!!
despite the bad weather, my mind was all set out for the game! gO go GO!!

our opponents were incredible..all in 'uniforms', seems v V prepared and confident!(n v AggReSsive too)

checkout who's in our SOCCER DRIFT's team => Aisha(captain),Betty,Scottlyn,Dayana,Pavitra,Fion and Me!!

though we did not get into the finals, we got 4th in placing..heheh.
and i strike one GOAL!! (abit TK though..hahaha lolx)
my trophy for the day=> a big Bruise on my right knee cap.. *sob sob sob* :(

memorable day for me.. 180807

shall try to figure out how i should upload my pixs next time..heehee..tired.

wish u were there to share my joy fren