Sunday 19 August 2007 190807

today is Sunday, and i GoTtA wOrk!!!damn sian..

well, i won't miss the chance to catch on my 溏心风爆.(canto series drama)
it's a very nice show!like the way the story goes, how the 'big mother' always settle the 风风雨雨 without any sweat..if only in real life there is someone like her.. full of respect for her manz..this character simply blew my mind!! WheWw..

kinda bored in office today..prolly due to the weather, and bcos some colleagues are not in office...
nice weather to be in bed la..too bad i gotta slog in office... :(
anyway me and my colleagues were discussing abt my conversion to perm thingy.
they were saying i should have asked for a pay raise..felt abit short changed.haiz..what to do? it seems like we gotta take whatever that comes along the way.
like what my fren always says: beggers can't be chooser..

was on the phone with my fren as usual today..surprised she called me so early.ha..
well, was v happy of cos, but my fren sounded grumpy.
she woke up w a terrible headache,stomach cramp,n her mum's picking on her again.issues with car, as usual. =P
sigh..wana so much to help, but like abit helpless..cant even console useless..
i really hope i can lessen your problems..but i think i'm not capable of doing so now.

i know you are happy that i got converted to perm, but dunno y,i feel abit numb abt the whole thing.prolly bcos i felt it's jus a status,with nothing to the name..dun you think so?
but dun worry fren, should i get my bonus, i won't forget u!!
love ya' no matter what happen, what situation..

blogging to me still feels weird..prolly i'm not that used to say/write everything i feel in here. deep down inside, there is always a voice constantly reminding me that everyone, and yes, i mean everyone can see what i'm writing.
though they are not top secrets, but at least i feel they are some very personal stuffs and thoughts..
i'm trying to open myself..but still feel i can write more and freely in my diary..

hope you had a nice day.. =* miss ya