Tuesday 8 January 2013

Trust, believing you

U gave me ur trust, i gave you mine too.This is only temporary..i must support and help you in your quest to win another person's trust..i believe i can do it.I believe you when you say you will not leave me, will not allow me to leave your life.I believe you when you say alot of things we can still do, just that frequency reduced, but will not be totally removed..I believe you when you say you are trying your best to make everything work, i really do. I believe you, cos you are my fren, my mimi lim.I believe everything you said and trust you. You are ignoring me now cos its the best thing to do inorder to win her trust for you. This is only temporary..i will hold on for you.I will adapt for you.I will believe for you.I will do anything for you.We will be frens for life, sisters forever..please believe i can do it for you.i can do it.if you don't let go of me, i wont too.