Wednesday 28 November 2012


I know my sis is unhappy. Of cos will be unhappy and sad. I'm sad for her too. But I want her to be happy with the person who can make her happy too. Not like this.. Can she find the right person so she does not have to go through all these ordeals? She does not deserve all these cos she is a good sis, a really good person, a fantastic my best Fren. She deserved to hv happiness only. I'm not at all like her. She is strong where I m not. If I really leave her, will she be happier? I don't wana be her tripping stone. I jus want to be her angel by her side, protecting her always like what she always do for me.
I hope she can be stronger n move forward. She'll meet a better someone! She will. 
If the person takes thing lightly and is so selfish, she truly doesn't deserve my sis' love and effort at all. This is not abt seeing a future together, but whether she is worth the effort and whether we have happy moments together. I hope she can meet someone who shar same views and sentiments w her. One who can compliments each other.